Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Bad Start

Crap. Why is there only an hour left until midnight?

Last night, I went to the Metro Coffeehouse around 11:30 pm. There was supposed to be an informal write-in there, but no one ended up coming. This was disappointing because it basically meant everyone I had counted on to be there and who had told me they'd be there weren't there. Roomie was with me, but she had decided that she was too tired for a midnight sprint. In the end, it didn't really matter anyway because the Metro decided to have the Sweeney Todd soundtrack playing, which was highly, highly distracting. That was followed up by some weird techno music that was utterly unsuiting for a coffeehouse environment. We both got really ADD and couldn't get anything done and ended up leaving before one. Very disappointing.

The only really interesting thing that happened while we were there was that a guy dressed as a poodle walked right by our table's window and did a little dance. Mind you, he was wearing nothing but cotton balls. That was all though; I didn't even see much in the way of other notable costumes.

I got all of 71 words written at the Metro, but I did figure one of the plaguing mysteries of my novel... I figured out the protagonist's dog's name. (It's Nina.) Yup. Big accomplishment. The dog's name and gender had been a mystery since March.

I ended up staying up until about 7:30am this morning (what did I tell you about me not sleeping at night anymore?) during which time I got up to -- dramatic pause -- 251 words. Very pathetic indeed. And then all today, I've done nothing. I dragged myself out of bed around 2:30 pm. Did nothing. Lay back down on my bed around... I wanna say seven or eight. Slept until about twenty minutes ago. Haven't written a damn thing. I'm not feeling very motivated all of a sudden. I think last night's disappointments are weighing down disproportionately hard. We'll see how the rest of tonight goes, since I obviously won't be sleeping for a while. My dysfunctional sleeping schedule kind of makes this blog-a-day thing difficult, but it's still easier than grappling with this novel of mine.

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